Welcome to Project Transition USA!
Our Mission:
Project Transition USA specializes in helping transitioning U.S. military service members and their dependents find meaningful and rewarding new careers in the civilian world.
How We Are Different:
Project Transition USA is the ONLY organization that specializes in helping transitioning U.S. military service members & their families find meaningful & rewarding civilian careers by learning to fully utilize the powerful networking & job search technology of LinkedIN with a full day workshop!
Our Core Strategy:
LinkedIN.com is the #1 employment and professional networking tool in the civilian world — and it is virtually unknown to military personnel!
In addition to providing LinkedIn workshops we also provide life-changing PERSONAL INTRODUCTIONS. The saying is true…”it’s WHO you know that counts”, and our transitioning military heroes are benefiting greatly from being introduced to supportive, military-friendly professionals in the civilian world!
We are making HISTORY!
We were the first to conduct an in-depth LinkedIN Career Transition Workshop on any U.S. military base in the world.
*** MacDill Air Force Base (Home of USSOCOM and USCENTCOM), Nov. 16, 2012 ***
We are proud that our free monthly workshop has become a highly popular addition to MacDill’s Transition Assistance Program (TAP). We have already supported the transition of over 6,000 troops on MacDill AFB, and we plan to expand this training to every military base in the U.S.
Here’s a photo from our early days on MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida:

We invite you to show your support by participating in our Project Transition USA group on LinkedIN and hiring U.S. veterans at every opportunity!