Bill SalingerBill Salinger, Director of Air & Reconnaissance, Founder of Wargame Center (USSOCOM)

“Project Transition USA’s Linkedin Workshop is a MUST DO! If you think you are going to make a career change from the military into the private sector without the use of LinkedIn then you may want to rethink that a bit…. Nancy Laine and her team will teach you more than just the use of LinkedIn, guys like Paul J. McAneny and Pete Blum as well as others add valuable perspective about the bigger picture. You won’t be disappointed.”

Scott DeThomasScott DeThomas, Business Owner at Mr. Handyman (Former Wing Commander, MacDill Air Force Base)

“The service and education provided by Project Transition USA is by far the best resource anyone transitioning could receive. Thank you and keep it up!”

Sheila Solomon RuddSheila Solomon Rudd, Executive Director at TampaBay-Job-Links

“Kudos to Nancy Laine for establishing Project Transition USA back in 2012 and for continuing to put her heart and soul into helping active duty military personnel and their families successfully transition to civilian careers. Nancy enriches our community by teaching retiring veterans essential social media networking skills as they seek employment.”

Pete BlumPete Blum, U.S. Navy & Marine Veteran, Veteran Career Readiness & Entrepreneurial Trainer, Marketing Director

“The Project Transition USA workshop was the start of something great for me. When I first attended I was already an established LinkedIn user but I had no idea of what it was capable of accomplishing. After applying what I had learned, making the right connections, and joining the right groups, what the workshop promised came through for me. It has helped me find TWO full-time opportunities, and part-time opportunities as well. Nancy Laine and her LinkedIn Workshop are one of the greatest assets to transitioning military that I have ever seen.

And it gets even better! A passion of mine is helping transitioning US military, veterans, and spouses. Project Transition USA has allowed me to assist with the mission and be part of something amazing. I started volunteering there, for a cause I believe in and one that I have seen work successfully and impact my own life. We get to help so many people transition successfully, make connections in the community, and find awesome new careers. That is such a rewarding feeling!”

Jason BoyleJason Boyle, Retired USAF Chief Master Sergeant (Director of Quality at AAR)

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank Nancy Laine and Pete Blum at Project Transition USA. Thanks to the knowledge I gained through Nancy’s LinkedIn workshop, I was able to land a senior leadership role after my Air Force transition. The best part is, the recruiter reached out to me based off my profile! If you are a transitioning service member, retired, spouse or have access to MacDill and you want to learn how to leverage the power of LinkedIn, sign up for this workshop!”

Paul J. McAnenyPaul J. McAneny, U.S. Air Force Veteran, Financial Advisor

“Project Transition USA is the model organization for supporting military veterans and their families: Very low expenses – just dedicated people power – and providing a high impact to attendees starting on their journey of professional networking through social media. Additionally, the volunteers at PT USA (particularly Nancy Laine and Pete Blum) bend over backwards to help thousands of veterans years after they attend their Linkedin seminar. Please consider supporting this worthy cause.”

Dean FranksDean Franks, Retired U.S. Army Colonel (Former Director of Strategy, Plans and Policy at U.S. Special Operations Command Central)

“I decided to attend Nancy’s LinkedIn training at MacDill AFB. The voluntary training enjoys a superb reputation and as I spoke with those who recently transitioned they spoke of your program as a highlight of their MacDill transition experience.

I also spoke to others who are retiring from other posts and they were disappointed that their posts didn’t offer something similar. MacDill is the only post I know of that offers this valuable training. Maybe there is room for growth for your organization! Superb training. Thanks Nancy!”

Frank Grippe (Command Sergeant Major)Frank Grippe, Retired Command Sergeant Major (Command Senior Enlisted Leader, United States Central Command)

“I truly appreciate your mentorship and your care for our transitioning service members. On behalf of CENTCOM and our entire Military. Thanks for your continued over watch.”

Brian ThomasBrian Thomas, Retired U.S. Army Sergeant Major

“I attended your LinkedIn class in March 2014 as I transitioned from the Army and now work as the Special Assistant to the President at the State College of Florida in Bradenton.

A friend of the school found my profile on LinkedIn and thought I would be a good fit to be the Special Assistant to the President of the College. I applied and got the job — something that never would have happened without LinkedIn.

Thanks again Nancy, your class was by far the most useful part of my preparation to retire and transition.”

Dennis GreeneDennis W. Greene, Retired U.S. Air Force Colonel

“One of the main reasons Nancy Laine started teaching LinkedIN job search workshops on MacDill in Tampa was because, frankly, I encouraged her to do so.

When I heard her speak about LinkedIN at a local chamber event, I knew this was just what our active duty military and veterans need. When I retired as a Colonel after 32 years in the Air Force, I sure wish I’d known about LinkedIN sooner myself, I’ll tell you that.

I’m very grateful for the training I’ve received from Nancy Laine and I strongly believe in the mission of her non-profit, Project Transition USA, to make LinkedIN training available to all transitioning military and veterans in the country.”

Joanne ClineJoanne Cline, Retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel (Former Chief of Medical Intelligence, U.S. Central Command)

“Thanks to Project Transition USA for an absolutely fantastic course at MacDill AFB. I highly recommend this course to every Service and Family Member regardless of status: active, retired, separating, or transitioning!

This was my favorite and most rewarding training during the transition process. The rewards and dividends are numerous including networking, professional growth, and social connections. It’s been less than a week since I attended the training and set-up my account and I’m already getting connected to a diverse community of professionals!

Don’t delay, take the course early, especially if you’re looking for employment or social endeavor opportunities! Thanks again!”

Roger Jones
Roger Jones, Senior Program Manager (ARMA Global Corporation)

“Project Transition USA helped me in my transition out of uniformed service. I’ve had a LinkedIn profile since 2009, however, I didn’t think it could help me transition until I sat in on the MacDill LinkedIn Workshop in Oct. 2013. Right away I applied Nancy Laine’s techniques and my LinkedIn profile helped me get several calls and interviews soon after that training.

I shared this with the Project Transition USA LinkedIN group to inspire other troops who are still transitioning. It is good that groups like Project Transition USA are out here to assist us, relieving some of the anxiety that goes along with finding a new career.”

Kevin EldridgeKevin Eldridge, U.S. Army Veteran (Former Information Operations Division Planner, USCENTCOM)

“Nancy’s enthusiasm, expertise and genuine love of people shine through her LinkedIn presentation. She inspires and motivates by example, always wanting to share her latest finds and breakthroughs in the world of LinkedIn.

After attending her presentation for the first time, I returned again, this time with my two oldest children (24 &22 years old).  They enjoyed the class immensely and are now avid LinkedIN members.”

Sam MartinSam Martin, Retired Colonel, USAF Fighter Pilot

“Nancy Laine asked me to be a guest speaker at her first LinkedIN Job Search Workshop on MacDill AFB in Tampa and I was very happy to do so.

When I retired from over 20 years as an Air Force fighter pilot, we didn’t have anything like LinkedIN to help us transition into civilian jobs. Thank God we do now, because our veterans coming back from the war overseas need all the help they can get.

There’s no doubt in my mind that Nancy Laine and Project Transition USA will make a huge positive difference in their lives!”

Brig MedinaBrig Medina, Information Systems Technician Chief – Reserve

“Nancy, your Linkedin Job Search class was very eye opening to me. I recently moved across the country to Tampa and am trying to build my network similar to what I had on the West Coast.  This was very informative and motivating to me.

I will be doing all the suggestions and more to my profile. I look forward to learning more from your classes and you. Thank you so very much.”

Neely Kelley SpraberryNeely Kelley Spraberry, DoD Industry Veteran Recruiter

“Nancy, it was a pleasure attending your workshop yesterday and meeting all of the interesting candidates. As you suggested, I have joined the Project Transition USA group.

I will be reviewing each candidates profile this morning and contacting them should we have an opportunity that fits their qualifications.  I would love to attend another workshop in the near future!”

Col (ret) Russ BarnesRuss Barnes, Retired U.S. Air Force Colonel

“Nancy does a phenomenal job of providing a compelling reason why military veterans must have a well crafted LinkedIn profile.

In Nancy’s training program, I learned a number of valuable tips that enabled me to clearly express my goals. The result is that several people have reached out to connect with me! The potential of these new relationships is valuable beyond measure.

I strongly recommend that all military veterans attend this training as soon as possible!”

Traci RileyTraci Riley, Owner of Traci Trainer Fitness (currently supporting SOCOM on MacDill AFB)

“I have attended several of Nancy’s LinkedIN workshops through her non-profit group Project Transition USA where she volunteers her time to help veterans transition into the civilian workforce. She is an energetic, always upbeat, positive professional who inspires everyone she comes into contact with.

Her organization helped me to build a new network in the area after a move from DC yielding great results for my business. I would recommend all transitioning military, their dependents, and community members to get involved with Nancy and Project Transition USA.”

Steven RenkerSteven A. Renker, VP Sales at

“I had the pleasure of working with Nancy to increase my awareness and presence within LinkedIn. The results have been very impressive! I’ve increased my connections by 500%, received 4 job offers, and have connected and been introduced to great professional talent within the IT / IT healthcare world.

Kate (Stetler) HolgateKate Stetler Holgate, Speaker Manager & Veterans Advocate

“Nancy’s selfless work on behalf of veterans would be enough to recommend her. But because I got to see her in action last night, I HAVE to recommend her! As the President of Project Transition USA, Nancy provides LinkedIn training to veterans, active duty, military dependents and to support staff working with veteran’s organization.

She holds workshops to teach them how to use LinkedIn to better network with groups and potential employers. I know a lot about LinkedIn and actually get most of my incoming calls from speakers looking for management by way of LinkedIn. But in just a few minutes, Nancy taught me things that I didn’t know but will certainly put into practice.

I am grateful for her work with Project Transition AND for her LinkedIn information and training skills! And just so you know, she also offers LinkedIn training to private individuals and companies too!”

Jason L. JoinerJason L. Joiner, Retired USMC Sergeant Major (Defense Contractor)

“All I can say is ‘WOW’. After consulting with Nancy for a brief period I went from a virtual unknown to #1 for search prospect in my field. Nothing short of amazing. Thank you so much for everything and I look forward to consistent communication.”

Tom RonellTom Ronell, Aviation Operations Expert & Veterans Advocate

“If any of you have any doubt regarding the value of attending one of Nancy Laine’s workshops or the efficacy of her techniques, please take a look at these statistics which I have gathered in my case.

On June 12, 2013, before Nancy interceded, the number of times I appeared in a LinkedIn Search that week was down by 40%. And June 22, 2013, ten days after instituting Nancy’s recommendations, my weekly views were up 148% and my overall profile views had increased by 55.6%!”

Charles JansenCharles Jansen II, Customer Service Engineer (Cisco)

“Nancy’s seminars are excellent. I was at one of the first seminars she did for LinkedIn at Raymond James Stadium in November 2012. Because of that seminar at the Military and Veterans job fair I eventually connected with a Cisco recruiter. It took a year and two tries.

Here a little over a year later I sit in Raleigh North Carolina working for Cisco. A year ago I lived in Naples FL. Now I have seen snow again for the first time since I was stationed at Ellsworth, AFB in South Dakota. Never more happy to see snow again.Keep working with Nancy, Project Transition and LinkedIn. Do everything she says and good things happen.”

Jonathan PudasJonathan Pudas, USAF Veteran & Organizational Development Director

“I finished going through feedback from Friday’s (8/9/13) class at MacDill. It was overwhelmingly positive! Others are interested in volunteering for future classes, and people want to see them offered more often.”

David J. LaliberteDavid J. Laliberte, Retired U.S. Naval Commander (Senior Program Analyst, USSOCOM)

“Nancy, thanks for all the info during the MacDill session last week. My network has grown exponentially since making a few changes you recommended. I fully expect to attend another session in the future. Keep doing these for the military community!”

Dave DockeryDave Dockery, Tampa Bay Computer Society

“As the President of the Tampa Bay Computer Society, I asked Nancy to share her considerable LinkedIn knowledge with our group after I saw how rapidly she moved MY personal LinkedIn account from the basement to the stratosphere within 24 hours!

If you’re not 100% clear about how to really USE LinkedIn as part of your Social Networking strategy, I assure you that you are missing a valuable opportunity. I doubt you will ever find a better LinkedIn trainer than Nancy Laine and I highly recommend that you pursue an opportunity to hire her as your personal coach.”

Veturia ColquettVeturia Colquett, Founder of Nonprofit “Our Daily Bread” (Providing Food & Guidance for Homeless Veterans & Families in Tampa Bay)

“Nancy reached out to me and offered me her time and professional expertise to polish my LinkedIn profile. From the first time we connected, I knew immediately that Nancy was able to understand my needs, she knew exactly what needed to be done and in the end she delivered much more than she promised.

Nancy is a warmhearted person and she sincerely cares about the Good in the world. There is a positive aura that surrounds her and she does wonderful work supporting many good causes in our community.”

Jeff LonisJeff Lonis, U.S. Navy Veteran

“Nancy, thanks to all of you at Project Transition USA! I was debating to sign up for the class or not, but since my buddy was going I said that I would go as well… couldn’t hurt, right?

I really enjoyed the class, the way you taught, your guest speakers, and I really feel that this was one of the best resources ever presented to me. It was a blessing from above and I did not even know it. I look forward to keeping in touch and volunteering my services whenever they are needed.”